A project co-funded by the European Union


Main object 2. Legal integration / migration. National object 3. Capacity building (lett. m) Exchange of good practices

ESPaR - European Skills Passport for Refugees

It is a skills profiling procedure specifically designed to conduct career guidance with refugees and asylum seekers.

An evaluation of skills

It expounds the skills portfolio starting from the list of all previous training and work experiences. It promotes a more realistic planning compared to the new context in which the refugee or asylum seeker is called upon to confront.

A process of maturation

It detects any possible unrealistic expectations about the employment opportunities in the host nation. It supports refugees or asylum seekers throughout the painful awareness process of their professional limits. It helps speeding up the process of mourning the loss of their professional identity. The active role required in the evaluation of their skills promotes the development of a proactive attitude towards their own career.

A space to rebuild

It creates the best conditions in order to redesign a career path more congruent with their own expectations and the labour market. It mainly uses autobiographical narration that is free at the beginning, being aimed at giving a new meaning to past experiences. Then it becomes more and more precise and focused to identify and describe, in a reliable and comprehensive way, all training and work experiences and, deriving from these, the corresponding professional skills.

Lead body


Ass. centro di ascolto del decanato di Seveso

Participating foreign parties